5 Minute Morning Ritual for Self-Care
Emily Murphy-Darling

Do you wish you were more of a morning person? Developing a nurturing and inspiring self-care morning ritual for yourself might be just the trick!  


Lammas Spell for Prosperity
abundance altar anointing oil candle candle magic charging plate color magic incense intention lammas lighter case manifest money magic spellwork sun spoon wheel of the year

Lammas Spell for Prosperity

By Goddess Provisions

Lammas is a beautiful time to begin witnessing the bounty of your manifestations and to continue invoking prosperity in your life. Celebrate this abundant time...

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Summer Solstice Ritual Oil
herbalism herbs Litha oil ritual ritual oil solar energy spellworker summer solstice sun spoon teaspoon witch

Summer Solstice Ritual Oil

By Goddess Provisions

Solar energy reaches its peak in mid-June, enabling us to fully feel our light within. Conjuring a summer solstice ritual oil can support you through this...

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