Do you wish you were more of a morning person? Developing a nurturing and inspiring self-care morning ritual for yourself might be just the trick!
How to Spiritually Connect With Your Charm Casting Kit
Spiritually connecting with your charm casting kit can deepen your relationship with the charms and expand your readings. Our resident charm caster, Wisteria Witch, is...
Charm Casting 101
Charm casting is a unique type of divination practice. Learn more about this practice and how to use your new Charm Casting Kit.
The Best Indie Oracle & Tarot Decks of 2022
There is a never-ending selection of amazing tarot and oracle decks out there. Check out our favorites from 2022 and maybe find the deck of...
How to Make a Beltane Spell Jar
Celebrate Beltane and learn how to make your own spell jar to channel the creativity and passion that this season brings!
How to Use a Pendulum to Find What You Truly Desire
Have a burning question about a choice you need to make, what you really want or how you really feel? Pendulums are remarkable tools that...
Awakening Your Divine Wisdom With Seraph Angels
Wisdom is not something you have to learn, but something you have inside. It's intuition. Many times we look outside ourselves to find answers when...
7 Ways to Work With Your Shadow
So you've heard of shadow work but what does it really entail? Our Shadow Work Box gives you the tools to help you face, process, and...
How Planets Shape Your Life
Astrology is quite a complex language and we’re only just scratching the surface here, but join us as we dive into the energy of the...
Color Therapy With Crystals
Have you ever felt drawn to something because of its color? Color has the ability to evoke certain feelings and affect our behavior. Because of...