Do you wish you were more of a morning person? Developing a nurturing and inspiring self-care morning ritual for yourself might be just the trick!
Charm Casting 101
Charm casting is a unique type of divination practice. Learn more about this practice and how to use your new Charm Casting Kit.
A Beginner's Guide to Oracle Cards
Universal energy is all around us. If we are open to it, we can tap into this energy and make wonderful and insightful personal use...
The Best Indie Oracle & Tarot Decks of 2022
There is a never-ending selection of amazing tarot and oracle decks out there. Check out our favorites from 2022 and maybe find the deck of...
5 Types of Spirit Allies
Are you looking for more support and wisdom from the Universe? Connecting with your spirit allies can bring you the assistance you desire!
How to Work With the Phases of the Moon
Each phase of the Moon offers a different kind of magic that can be tapped into. Learn about what each of the four main Moon...
Crystals for Each Moon Phase
Each moon cycle brings a different lesson and energy to us. By working with the moon, we can harness its power and let it guide us...
Understanding Your Moon Sign
Your Moon sign in astrology connects you to your emotions. Discover more about what this means in your birth chart.
Crystals For Your Moon Sign
For anyone new to crystal healing, or those looking to expand their crystal collection, choosing which stones to work with can be just as exciting...
How to Build an Ancestral Samhain Altar
Do you want to honor your ancestors during the Samhain season? If so, then let us show you how to create an altar doing just...