How to Host a Moon Circle

How to Host a Moon Circle

We are guided by the Moon in so many ways. Learning how to harness its energy for manifestation is a beautiful way to call positivity into your life. A Moon Circle is just one of the ways that you can call on the magic of the Moon, all while spending time with the ones you love. 

Our Moon Wisdom Planner can be the perfect guide for getting to know the cycles and creating a circle. It is filled with moon dates, phases, astrological alignments, and provoking journal prompts. 

What is a Moon Circle?

Hosting Your Own Moon Circle by Goddess Provisions

A Moon Circle is a gathering of like-minded individuals and magic makers looking to connect with the nurturing energy of the Moon. Moon circles allow us to not only connect with the Moon's wisdom and influence but with other people looking to do the same thing. Most importantly, a Moon Circle is a sacred space where you can feel loved, heard, understood, and supported.

When Should You Host a Moon Circle?

Hosting Your Own Moon Circle by Goddess Provisions

A Moon Circle is often held during a New or Full Moon, but if you feel called to host one during another phase, feel free to do so.

A New Moon Circle focuses on renewal and regeneration. The New Moon is all about setting intentions and turning inward. Hosting a circle during this time is a great way to gather friends and encourage them to write their intentions down and set their dreams in motion.

A Full Moon Circle is all about celebrating the journey thus far and witnessing cycles coming to completion. During a Full Moon Circle, you could expect delectable foods and reflections on how far everyone has come in their spiritual journey. 

Creating a Moon Circle for Yourself

Hosting Your Own Moon Circle by Goddess Provisions

There is no right or wrong way to host a Moon Circle. To begin, try creating a Moon circle for yourself! Create sacred space by lighting candles, cleansing your space, and surrounding yourself with items that inspire you such as herbs and crystals. Then, connect with your intention and desires for drawing on the Moon's wisdom. Ways that you can do this include meditation, visualization, journaling, singing, and dancing.

Invite Your Fellow Goddesses

Hosting Your Own Moon Circle by Goddess Provisions

Reach out to your close friends or family members who may be interested in joining you to celebrate. If you have set a theme for the night, ask them to dress accordingly or participate by bringing a dish or offering to be shared with the whole group. Invite those with whom you want to spend time and who fill up your cup; you want the energy in the room to be safe, supportive, and uplifting.

Set the Scene

Hosting Your Own Moon Circle by Goddess Provisions

When hosting a Moon circle, decide where it will be and create a space that’s inviting and clear of negative energy. Bringing in additional cushions, pillows, and blankets is a great way to make it feel cozy while giving everyone something comfortable to sit on. Surround the space with candles, crystals, and other items that help you create sacred space. Clear out any stagnant energy or stress that may be lingering by cleansing with your favorite incense or dried herbs during setup. As your guests arrive, you can cleanse each person's energy. You can also create an altar that includes offerings to the Moon Goddess! 

Open the Circle

Hosting Your Own Moon Circle by Goddess Provisions

After your guests have arrived and everyone is comfortable, you can open the circle. Opening the circle is a way to call in your guides and protect the magic of the space. There are many ways to cast a circle, so the choice is up to you on how you wish to proceed. Some call to their guides, ancestors, or their highest selves, while others call in the four elements or the energy of the Moon itself. During this process, have your guests sit in a circle. While doing this, you could light incense or burn herbs as an offering. You can also use this time to have everyone set an intention for what they would like to receive during this time, whether it be divine guidance, healing, or celebrating community.

 Embrace the Magic

Hosting Your Own Moon Circle by Goddess Provisions

Once the circle is open, then the magic can begin. A Moon Circle is an excellent setting to manifest your dreams and set positive intentions, especially during a New Moon. Going around the circle and having each guest state their manifestations aloud can help speak them into existence while also receiving support from those around them. During this time, you could also have everyone participate in a guided meditation or yoga flow. Like a Sun Salutation, a Moon Salutation is a lunar sequence that is cooling and can help release energetic blockages. Laying out oracle cards is a great way to spark conversation and inspiration too!

Close the Circle

Hosting Your Own Moon Circle by Goddess Provisions

When you are ready to bring the night to an end, take a moment to gather the circle back together and formally close it. Once again, have your guests sit in a circle and call to your guides. Invite your guests to provide their reflections for the night and anything that stuck out to them. Then, at the close, take a few moments to give thanks for the opportunity to come together and honor the magic of the Moon.

To connect with the moon and other powerful practices every month, subscribe to our monthly Goddess Provisions box.

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