Make Your Own Flower Essences

Make Your Own Flower Essences

Flower essences are an energetic healing modality that tap into the evolutionary wisdom of a plant at the height of its expression. When working with a plant and its flower to create a flower essence, the plant is sharing this wisdom with you in a gentle yet deeply powerful way.

The best thing about flower essences? Absolutely anyone can make them! You don’t need to be a herbalist, an energy worker or a botanist. You just need to have a love for plants and a willingness to listen to them. Because while their medicine is certainly accessible to all, not all are patient or willing to get quiet enough to hear their message.

Here are the simple steps to creating your very own flower essence:

1. Gather your supplies:

Make Your Own Flower Essences Goddess Provisions

  • A glass bowl
  • Distilled or spring water
  • A journal or notebook and a pen
  • Any crystals you feel called to place around the bowl during the ritual. Check out our colored crystal sets to see if any of them speak to you!
  • A jar with a screw-top lid. 

2. Determine which flower friend you’d like to work with.

Make Your Own Flower Essences Goddess Provisions

You might have a whole garden at your fingertips, or you might need to venture to a public garden or go for a walk in the woods. You could even work with a potted plant in your living space for an energetic signature of your home essence.

If you’re out in nature seeking a flower friend, allow your senses to open up as you roam through the garden or the forest that you are exploring. Move slowly and take note of where your attention is drawn to. Trust that your body and your intuition will guide you to the plant friend with the most wisdom for you at this time.

3. Once a particular flower, plant, or tree has caught your attention, create your workspace with your supplies.

Make Your Own Flower Essences Goddess Provisions

Put the distilled water in the glass bowl and place it next to the plant friend you are working with. Pull out your journal and pen and take a seat next to the plant and the bowl of water.

Begin to quiet your mind as you tune into the plant you are connecting with. Once you’ve found some space in your mind, ask the plant (either silently in your mind, or out loud) a couple of questions to initiate the essence process:

  • “Would you help me create a flower essence?” Hopefully the answer is yes! If not, just thank it and find a new flower friend to work with.
  • If the answer is yes, ask “How do you want to share your energy in this essence?” and see if a flower blossom should be added to the water, or perhaps just having the bowl next to the plant will do the trick.
  • Finally, once those questions have been clarified, ask “What is the message you would most like me to hear from you?”
  • Begin to free-write with this question in mind, allowing the words to flow out onto the page without judgement or the need to be grammatically correct, or to even make sense. Keep writing until you feel a sense of completeness, then sit quietly again before asking the plant if there is anything else it would like to share with you.

4. Bottle up the energy-infused water.

Make Your Own Flower Essences Goddess Provisions

Once the message from your plant ally has been received, you could leave the bowl of water to continue to let it receive the energy of the plant for a few hours or overnight, but that’s not a requirement. Trust that however long the plant has been sending its energy to the water is just perfect.

You can then bottle up the energy-infused water, thank your new plant friend, and head home.

5. Preserve Your Essence

Make Your Own Flower Essences Goddess Provisions

If you’d like to preserve your flower essence, you could mix this water with a 1:4 ratio alcohol to water, or a 1:2 ratio glycerine to water, so that the essence can be used over a longer period of time. If you choose not to preserve the flower essence, the distilled water can be drunk, spritzed in a spray bottle, or used in any way you see fit and used within 5 - 7 days, making sure to refrigerate.

**Please note that if you intend to use the flower essence for an extended period of time, it is best to preserve it.**

Each time you work with your flower essence, remember the messages that came through while you were free-writing and channeling the wisdom the plant had to share with you.

Thanks to Em Dewey for this wisdom. A Goddess of all trades, Em is the Creatress and self-appointed Head Witch at Garden of the Moon, where she offers lunar-aligned Cycle Support Kits through herbal teas and flower essences.

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