We welcome our friends from Club Magic Hour to tell us how they perform their magical tea ceremonies.
At Magic Hour we love to celebrate the new moons and full moons with the ritual of a tea ceremony and it doesn’t have to be fancy. It can be as simple and quick as five minutes–just sitting in presence with your cup of tea to tune into your senses is enough.
Here’s a simple sensory tea ritual that you can do to come into alignment with the cycles of the moon at any time of the year.
What you’ll need:
- Any organic, loose-leaf tea that strikes your fancy
- Teacup
- Tea Spoon
- Pen
- Journal or Notebook
- Incense or Candle
First, light your incense/candle if you have one. Then take three slow, deep breaths to center and ground yourself.
Bring your cup of tea reverently towards your face. The ceremonial tea that you’re drinking is a reflection of the vast cosmos swirling inside your cup.
Take time to go through each of the sensory questions below:
- Gaze at the liquid in your cup–what do you see?
- What do you hear around you?
- What do you feel in the present moment? The moon helps us get in touch with our feelings and emotions.
- What do you smell? Enjoy the lavish bouquet of fruits and flowers and see if it reminds you of a time in the past … smell is not filtered like the other senses and goes right to the limbic brain where it can awaken memories buried deeply in your psyche.
- What do you taste? Sweetness? Tart? Imagine you can taste the moon and its radiance as you sip the tea.
- How do you feel after tuning into each of your senses?
- Did you see any images?
- Did you hear any words?
To complete the ceremony I often pick a tarot or oracle card to see what my higher self most wants me to know. May this sweet tea ceremony bring you into a deeper connection with your intuition & innate joy!
Hope this gives you some inspiration & guidance for your next moon ritual or tea ceremony. Check out our online boutique for any items you may be missing!
To learn more about Club Magic Hour, head to their website or Instagram. Thanks again to their team for giving some insight into their rituals.
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