Flowers essences can be used to help decrease occurrences of dis-ease including anxiety, stress, fear, uncertainty, loneliness, and low self-esteem, to name a few.
Here's a quick overview of how flower medicine works:

The magic of these essences lies in the synergy between all of the flowers, acting as a whole, instead of individual flowers.To enjoy the healing properties of flower essences, try integrating them into your daily rituals.
How to work with flower essences:
- Take 3-4 drops on your tongue or in your favorite beverage before doing energy healing work like Reiki, massage, Tarot readings, etc.
- Apply them topically to your wrists, temples, chakras, acupressure points, or anywhere that feels like energy is stuck.
- Anoint sacred objects like crystals, malas, wands, or any intentional tool you like to use.
- Give them as a gratitude offering to the earth.
- Add a few drops into a bath, body oil, diffuser, or room spray.
You may also like to work with single flower essences based on their specific healing qualities.
Check out the list below to discover characteristics of ten of our favorite flowers that make an appearance in some powerful flowers essences.
1. Blue Eyed Grass
Helps to get in touch with magic in your own life and the perfection of nature.
2. Purple Crown Vetch
Carries the energy of Queen of the Faerie Realm.
3. St John’s Wort
Brings levity and wonder. Shines light on what has previously existed in the shadows.
4. Deptford Pinks
Assists with exploration of realms beyond our perception.
5. Trefoil
Supports connection, community, and communication.
6. Hop Clover
Acts as a stepping stone between worlds.
7. Winter Vetch
Assists with communicating from the heart and amplifies imagination.
8. Red Clover
Assists when working with the faerie realm, elementals, and Earth Energy.
9. Fleabane
Brings together fragmentation of Mind and Spirit.
10. Daisy
Clears energy so you can create expansiveness in the space around you.
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